Saturday, August 2, 2014

Catching Up (and Birthday Recap!! :)

SO it's been a while...

I've been crazy busy lately, and trying to enjoy my last few weeks of summer. Can you believe that school starts MONDAY for me?!? It's crazy! Hopefully you all are enjoying the last weeks of your summer while I'm in school. I've been a busy bee preparing for senior year and beyond (still can't believe it), working my little tail off to get some extra money before school, and trying to fit my friends in there somehow. I also have a really BIG project I'm working on that I'm so excited to share with you guys! It won't be too long!

Yesterday was my 17th birthday!
I had a reallllllly early rise as far as birthdays go... I had to be at my school at 8:30 to help with freshman orientation. It wasn't awful, but it definitely made me more aware of how fast 6:00 will come Monday morning. I love helping people, so I was really excited I got to do it on my birthday. After I left at 3:30, I swung by the local college's bookstore to pickup my first college textbooks (so weird, so weird) and pick up my paycheck before heading home. I only got to come home for an hour before I had to work. Knowing how upset I was about my lackluster birthday of working, my parents knew exactly how to cheer me up.

I think Tiffany blue can cheer any girl up. I have been wanting a Tiffany charm bracelet since I was really little. I don't really like many other charm bracelets. They can be really tacky, and Pandora bracelets just aren't me. Anything done by Tiffany's is perfect, though. I have been stalking the Tiffany charm site for a day now. So so so in love. I didn't want a class ring, so they thought this would be a better alternative, and I agree wholeheartedly.

Afterwards was a long, busy night at work. Right before I walked out, I was surprised by some of my favorite coworkers! They brought in a cookie cake and handed me a card that had $70 cash, $25 to Starbucks, and $30 to my favorite nail salon! Definitely a surprising and happy ending to my long day. :)

Now after I write this, we are actually celebrating my birthday today with a shopping trip and dinner. 

Now that school is starting, I'll be on a more structured schedule. You should be hearing from me a lot more often. Love you guys!
