Sunday, December 28, 2014

A New Stage

You read correctly! I'm now going to be integrating a YouTube channel with my blog. One of my biggest mottos in life is that life is a stage. Everyday you are performing whether it be for your friends, your boss, or your teachers. If you know me, you know that I frequent some larger stages for dance and theatre. I love being on stage and in front of people and I think you all will see a completely different side of me in my videos compared to reading my thoughts as I'm sitting behind a computer. I like the way I will be able to look back at my videos and relive moments. I filmed a video on my first day of freshman year in high school, and watching it now as a senior makes me want to cry. I hope that I can do the same chronicling all of the excitement that will happen to me in college. Maybe my senior year I'll look back at where I am right now.

I've tried YouTube before... about five different times... I've been watching YouTube videos since the sixth grade and have been trying my own channels for just as long. Who knows? Maybe if I would've stuck with it I could have had millions of subscribers by now! I've always gained around 100 subscribers then stopped for various reasons. But this time I'm determined not to, I have my group of UR girls that are holding me accountable and I think it will work out this time. This doesn't mean goodbye to the blog, I'll still be here but I'll also have a new home on my channel. 

What you all have been waiting for I'm guessing?
HERE is the link to my new channel.
I would love it if you all would subscribe!

No videos yet, but I want you to ask questions in the comments on this post for me to answer in my first video! If you look and the video isn't up, then you still have time to ask! Cathleen at Classy Cathleen has sent me a base list of questions but I would love to feature some from the blog. Also, if there is anything you would like to see, put that in a comment too!

Love you all and so excited for you to see me on a new stage

Follow me on Twitter!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Sunday Six

It's that time of the week again ladies!
It's Sunday, so with that comes the Sunday Six! Also, I leave for NYC Tuesday, so this might be the last time you hear from me in a while. I'm pre-writing some posts for throughout the week so Preperella won't be completely dead, but I might not have time to chime in and tell you about my week! I'm going to try my hardest to find time to write some little updates, but don't worry, I'll have a whole series up on my adventures when I get back. If you want to hear about my trip as it's happening, follow my new Twitter @Preperella!

The College Prepster's giveaway has 5 days left, and if you haven't entered, YOU NEED TO! EIGHT Lilly Pulitzer gifts and a monogrammed pullover are up for grabs! 

Megan from Bowtiful Life just wrapped up her #BowtifulNYC series about her days in NYC. It's gotten me SO excited for my trip in TWO DAYS! SO SO SO excited. She's given me ideas of places I need to see (and eat at ;) ).

New obsession: DIY gifts! I feel like it's so much more sincere when you make a gift instead of just buying one! I saw this super cute idea on Pinterest for decorating ceramic plates with metallic Sharpies! Also have a newfound love for writing letters/cards to people, so if you're interested in writing to each other, shoot me an email or a comment!

Yesterday I started a Twitter for my blog so follow me @Preperella! It'll give you a little look into what's going on in between the posts. Especially with my trip coming up, you can follow me through my adventures in the city!

To keep with my list obsession I shared with y'all in my last post, I found these ADORABLE matching note pads at my local TJ Maxx. (other new obsession: their stationery section) But together they were less than $10 and the cute color and quote remind me of something Kate Spade would make. I love how the "Don't Forget" pad has checkmark squares beside every line. And yes. Yes, I did plan out my outfits for NYC... Judge me.

This week I have had Selena Gomez's new song on repeat! I'm usually not one to listen to the radio much, but the one time I do I hear this and fall in love. If you haven't heard it yet, check it out!

Until next week darlings!

Friday, November 28, 2014


Recently, I've had a new-found love for writing things down. I've become a list addict. On the margins of my notes, in my planner, on random note pads... I've been scribbling down lists EVERYWHERE. Yesterday, I mentioned in my post that I'm thankful for becoming more organized and developing better study habits and I feel like this is a main reason why. I feel like a lot of my laziness could be attributed to the fact I am easily overwhelmed. I take on so much and then don't know where to start.

The List is a way I've been able to change that. Basically you take the three most important projects you need to tackle, and break them down into smaller tasks so you aren't overwhelmed. This has helped me TREMENDOUSLY in getting my life together especially in such a busy time for me. You can download The List HERE.

Excuse the rough phone cam quality, but here's my current list! I'd love to see/hear about yours!

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
It's late, but I've been spending my day with my family (and hope you have too!). I feel like Thanksgiving is such a great breath of fresh air in the middle of the most rushed time of the year. It seems like with preparing for holidays and the end of the year everyone seems to take everything for granted. The long weekend to catch up on everything piling up and give thanks for what you have could not be more perfectly timed. Now I'm going to share with you some things I'm thankful for, and I want to hear what you guys are thankful for in the comments!

1) My family and friends
Of course, number one is always going to go to the people who help me get through the day. I'm blessed with a family who provides me with everything I need and more and friends who are sometimes the only thing that keeps me going. I'm thankful that they're all healthy and here with me (especially my dad) because that has not always been the case during the holidays.

2) The fact all of these applications will be due soon
I didn't realize that even after I got into the college I want to go to, I would still have to write multiple essays and resumes and fill our applications for several programs. I just want it to be over. :( Thankful that the deadlines for all of these are within the next two weeks and then I can breathe again.

3) This time next week I will be in New York City
I'm SO SO SO thankful for the opportunity to be traveling to NYC next week with my closest friends. And super thankful for parents that are paying for me to go. I'm going with DECA and getting to experience so much that I wouldn't if I was going on my own. The best part is that I will be there with about 30 of my favorite people. OH AND I MIGHT GET TO MEET ANNA SO THAT'S THE REAL BEST PART.

4) Getting more organized/doing better in school
Funny how senior year I'm actually starting to develop study habits and get organized...  Better late than never, I guess? I've finally had classes that I've had to actually try in this year (that sounds awful) but they've whipped my butt into shape. Thankful that I'm not having to learn all of this the hard way next year.

5) The Undeniabæs
Last but certainly not least, my ladies. These girls are my rock. They are the only girls I can really relate to, even when my real life friends don't understand. We're so diverse but so much alike. I feel like we were all brought together for a reason. I don't know why but I don't need to. All I know is that these girls are some of the strongest, most loving, powerful girls that I know. I care about you all so here's some pinecones on a string.

And of course all of you. It might not be a lot, but just the fact that some people read this and care about what I have to say means the world to me. Here's to hopefully many more memories to share with you!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Sunday Six

November is already halfway over! I don't even remember October and November seems to be going by even quicker! I'm not trying to wish away my senior year or anything, but I think the quicker December comes, the better! 17 days and I'll be in New York City with all of my closest friends. I absolutely cannot wait!
Anyways, I'm trying something new today. I always have an urge to write posts on Sunday after the hype of the weekend has died down, so I'm going to try and make The Sunday Six a regular thing. I love reading bloggers' weekly lists, so I want to try it out myself!

If you know me, you know I'm overly obsessed with glitter and THIS watch from Kate Spade is something I need like yesterday. There's even a leather strap for when you need to tone it down a bit. Perfection.

THIS tutorial shows you how to give your drab ceiling fan a Lilly Pulitzer makeover! I wish I had a fan in my room so I could do this!

Tried my first Chestnut Praline latte today, and I am in love... I feel bad for cheating on my beloved gingerbread, but this might be my new fave.

Speaking of Gingerbread lattes, look what I found at the grocery store today! My closest Starbucks is 12ish minutes away so finding this made me so happy! I can finally have Gingerbread lattes for school in the morning. :)

I started my Christmas list Pinterest board today! Check it out :*

And last but certainly not least...
The Rainy Day Style linkup is tomorrow! Connie and Michaela are two really good friends of mine and I'll be joining, so you should, too! 

Hope all you lovely ladies have a good Monday tomorrow!

Friday, October 31, 2014

My Shirt Has More Insta Followers Than I Do

Congrats everybody, you made it through another week. Today is senior skip day, so maybe some of you girls are reading this while I'm sleeping. ;) Anyways, I'm here to tell you about a tragic event on this spooky day. You know how you buy a new outfit that you put together in store and you love it. Like REALLY love it. The next day you wear it and show it off and feel so confident. You might even post a #ootd on Instagram. Racking up the likes, so evidently everyone else likes it too.

Your confidence level is sky high. Mine was until Courtney at Behind Her Monogrammed Macbook commented on my pic.

Okay overdramatic story aside, I cracked up when I saw this account and thought y'all would get a laugh, too! The J.Crew gingham shirt is such a classic, which is proven by it's follower count. Whoever made this account is genius.

"My shirt has 11,000 followers, how many does yours have?"


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Get to Know Me: Liebster Award

I love style posts and learning the new trends, but most of my favorite blog posts are the personal ones--the ones that make the blogger feel like a friend rather than a random person that you stalk on the net. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing a blogger's outfit of the day, but I love it even more when there's a story behind the outfit. My favorite blogs are the ones I feel like my best friend is writing and not an unattainable celebrity. Today we'll get a little personal and I'll share some of these favorite blogs with you!

kTm at Pick Your Beau nominated me for the Liebster Award MONTHS ago. Literally in August. (#procrastinationstation) I'm finally doing it, though! Everyone check out her fab blog (one of my favorites, but can't retag her!) and tell her I sent you!

Here we go--
1) Post 11 facts about yourself
2) Answer the 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you, and then create a set of 11 questions for your nominees!
3) Choose 11 nominees that have less than 200 followers and link to them in your post
4) Let them know they've been tagged!

So first things first, 11 facts about ya girl Ash.

1) My mom has banned me from going to Target before after a few shopping sprees with her card...
2) When I was 3, I competely waxed one of my eyebrows off and it still grows differently than the other one.
3) I'm EXTREMELY afraid of bugs. Like I really don't have any big fear other than bugs, and I will go crazy if there's one around me.
4) I'm a sucker for a big t-shirt and my collection is unrivaled.
5) I'm surprised sweet tea doesn't run through my veins. I may or may not be drinking a Cookout tea as I write this. #shameless
6) I was named after the Ashley River in Charleston which basically means I'm destined to live there, right? (Right.)
7) My parents used to tell me to go in the yard and wait for a bird to land on my head and I would sit there for like an hour waiting. 
8) I'm that girl who is super book smart but people don't know because I'm extremely ditzy and have zero common sense.
9) Cinnamon dolce frap when it's hot, cinnamon dolce latte when it's cold. Except for when gingerbread is out. 
10) Wooden spoons freak me out. Just the texture, ergsfweg. I'm cringing just thinking about them.
11) I can't high-five without looking dumb.

Now for her questions!

If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be? 
I would be a lion because it's fierce and gets what it wants. What's your favorite kind of drink? 
Sweet tea, hands down. How do you relax?
I'll lay in my bed with all the lights out, put my headphones on, and tune out the world. If I'm really needing a stress reliever I'll go to the dance studio late at night and just dance my heart out.How often do you paint your nails?
I never paint my nails because I bite them so badly that I don't want to draw attention to them. :(What's the best piece of advice you could give someone?
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. It's one of my favorite quotes and always what I'm chanting in my head when taking a risk.What's your favorite thing to order at Starbucks?
Gingerbread lattes! How would you describe your relationship with your BFF?
We're such good friends because we won't let the other walk all over us hahahahaha. People are confused when we show up somewhere without the other. We're basically Serena and Blair. (so cliche but don't even care)Are you a early bird or a night owl?
Such a night owl.Who is your biggest girl crush?
Blake Lively. She's perfect. She has the perfect husband. She had the perfect wedding in Charleston. She's going to have the most perfect child, ugh. 
What's your favorite show to binge watch?
Scandal or Gossip Girl!Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging as something to do in my free time! I've met so many amazing girls and have found out it's so much more than that, though.

Now for my questions!
1) What is your staple wardrobe item?
2) What's the riskiest thing you've done recently?
3) What are your life goals?
4) How do you wear your hair normally?
5) It's 4PM on a Tuesday. What are you doing?
6) What are you being/were you for Halloween?
7) What's your favorite thing about blogging?
8) Do you miss the way things were a year ago?
9) Who's your #mcm?
10) If you could choose your last meal, what would it be?
11) What's your favorite color?

I tag
Carrie at Carrie On Blogs
Caitlin at Your Typical Prep
Connie at Prep Northwest
Anna at Undeniably Anna
AND YOU if you haven't been tagged!

I can't wait to see your posts! If you decide to do this, let me know!


Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Undeniable Report

Happy October ladies!
Today's the first day that it finally feels like fall in Tennessee and I couldn't be more excited. I also couldn't be more excited to tell y'all about the Undeniable Report!

"The Undeniable Report is a lifestyle website created for girls that will be your destination for everything you need or care to know about on topics like style, beauty, wellness, business, travel and more."

A few months ago, I found Anna's online magazine and became obsessed! I was beyond thrilled when she contacted me with the opportunity to be a part of the magazine's revamp. At the time, I had no idea how much this magazine would evolve in just a short time! After months of hard work, we officially launched the Undeniable Report website on October 1st. There are new posts everyday about anything from style to culture to wellness and more. 

My personal favorite part is that the site is completely ran by girls like me and you! There isn't a big company overseeing, just Anna (who is amazing, by the way!) and all of us girls that are making this happen! I didn't realize when I signed up for this that I was also signing up for a second family, but that's how things have played out. These girls and I have became closer than I would've ever imagined and talk all day, every day on our group message. (#undeniabæs) It's truly a group of amazing girls.

With all that said, give the site a look! You can see it at and follow us on our social media accounts below! (crazy obsessed with our Twitter)

Twitter: @undeniablerep
Instagram: @undeniablereport

Let me know in the comments how you like it!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Where Have I Been?

"You should be hearing from me a lot more often."

Direct quote from my last post... Well, I LIED. Not intentionally, but it has been almost two months! So what have I been up to?

Well, first things first, senior year has been a whirlwind of every emotion I could ever think of. It's bittersweet, difficult, fun, exciting, heartbreaking... The list could go on forever. My classes are hard but my class has grown closer than ever and I wouldn't trade it for the WORLD. I've been really busy with schoolwork (Calculus is kicking my butt.) and making the most out of my senior year. I don't want to miss a second. I've also been applying to colleges! I can't wait for application season to be over, it's as stressful as everyone says.

Speaking of college applications, while on my little breather from blogging I received some very exciting news! I was accepted to University of Alabama with a full tuition plus $10,000 scholarship! Alabama is one of my top choices, so there is a very strong chance I will end up there next fall! So basically my past week has consisted of stalking the followers of the UA Class of 2019 account... (which has some very cute boy followers, might I add) Roll tide, maybe?

The last (but certainly not least) thing I'm going to tell you all about from these past few months is the crazy exciting project I've been working on!
To quote our website, "The Undeniable Report is a lifestyle website created for girls that will be your destination for everything you need or care to know about on topics like style, beauty, wellness, business, travel and more." Be looking out for a post tomorrow exclusively about the website, but until then, you can check it out here. (The official launch is tomorrow!!!) I'm so excited to tell you more about it and the amazing girls I've met through it. Our group message is the only thing getting me through the day half the time!

Now, you really should be hearing from me a lot often... But if you don't believe me after this two month break I don't blame you. Make sure to check back tomorrow for my post about the Undeniable Report!


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Catching Up (and Birthday Recap!! :)

SO it's been a while...

I've been crazy busy lately, and trying to enjoy my last few weeks of summer. Can you believe that school starts MONDAY for me?!? It's crazy! Hopefully you all are enjoying the last weeks of your summer while I'm in school. I've been a busy bee preparing for senior year and beyond (still can't believe it), working my little tail off to get some extra money before school, and trying to fit my friends in there somehow. I also have a really BIG project I'm working on that I'm so excited to share with you guys! It won't be too long!

Yesterday was my 17th birthday!
I had a reallllllly early rise as far as birthdays go... I had to be at my school at 8:30 to help with freshman orientation. It wasn't awful, but it definitely made me more aware of how fast 6:00 will come Monday morning. I love helping people, so I was really excited I got to do it on my birthday. After I left at 3:30, I swung by the local college's bookstore to pickup my first college textbooks (so weird, so weird) and pick up my paycheck before heading home. I only got to come home for an hour before I had to work. Knowing how upset I was about my lackluster birthday of working, my parents knew exactly how to cheer me up.

I think Tiffany blue can cheer any girl up. I have been wanting a Tiffany charm bracelet since I was really little. I don't really like many other charm bracelets. They can be really tacky, and Pandora bracelets just aren't me. Anything done by Tiffany's is perfect, though. I have been stalking the Tiffany charm site for a day now. So so so in love. I didn't want a class ring, so they thought this would be a better alternative, and I agree wholeheartedly.

Afterwards was a long, busy night at work. Right before I walked out, I was surprised by some of my favorite coworkers! They brought in a cookie cake and handed me a card that had $70 cash, $25 to Starbucks, and $30 to my favorite nail salon! Definitely a surprising and happy ending to my long day. :)

Now after I write this, we are actually celebrating my birthday today with a shopping trip and dinner. 

Now that school is starting, I'll be on a more structured schedule. You should be hearing from me a lot more often. Love you guys!


Saturday, July 19, 2014

For Rainy Days

Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day.
It hasn't stopped raining all day. I really wanted to post an outfit post today but I guess you gotta just go with the flow sometimes. So, I decided to show you girls my favorite rainy day picks!

for rainy days

I have been obsessed with the Vineyard Vines Stow & Go Rain Jacket ever since I first saw it a year ago. The pink lining on the navy is perfect. Only catch is it's almost $200... Sobbing. The VV rain boots are on sale right now for less than $40 with coupon code "SUMMER5014" on the Vineyard Vines site! They're running out quick though so run! I'll probably be ordering me a Marley Lilly rain jacket this year. This one is in my school colors too, so I can still be cute and spirited at rainy football games. Hunter boots and Bean boots are both classics. 

What are you sporting on these rainy days?

XO, Ashlee

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Little Ways to Make Your Day Healthier

First off, how do you like the new look?! I've been spending probably the past week trying to figure out how to code and working with Photoshop to make Preperella look a lot prettier. Now that I'm done with that, I can spend a lot of time actually working on posts! Also, I have some really exciting projects I'm working with and can't wait to be able to tell you girls the deets!

As much as I wish I could be one of those girls who lives at the gym and is crazy fit, usually it doesn't work out that way. Especially during the school year, I don't have time to be at the gym everyday, so I love incorporating little things in my day to make it a little healthier. They really add up! I've lost almost 10 pounds this summer by using these little tricks.

1. Start your day off with a glass of water.

This kickstarts your metabolism and gets your brain ready for the day! Your brain tissue is 72% water, so if you don't give it the fuel it needs, you'll be fatigued and just sluggish feeling. It flushes out toxins from your body as soon as you wake up. Your body will also learn that it doesn't need to hold onto water weight because you're giving it the hydration it needs. You can lose a few pounds just by drinking more water! If I keep a water bottle with me, I'll stay drinking it all day. My favorite is my purple Camelbak! (on sale for $11.90 here!

2. Unsweet tea

Unsweet tea?!? How can those words ever escape a southern girls mouth? Well at 240 calories, your large McDonald's sweet tea could be severely hurting your diet. Try an unsweet tea with sweetener! My favorite sweetener is Equal and I use 3 or 4 packets in my tea. It brings the calories down to zero! Don't feel bad treating yourself with a real sweet tea every once in a while, but just don't overdo it!

3. Park farther out

I like to say I do this because I am trying to be active. Really it's because I'm awful at parking and I'm scared to hurt my mom's car. Anyways, do this and you can count shopping as an exercise day. ;)

4. Blogilates

Blogilates is my little secret weapon. I can't make it to the gym everyday but I can do these workouts in my room. They really work too! Cassey Ho is the girl behind Blogilates and she posts new videos every week on her Youtube channel. Everyday she posts a daily workout playlist and two days are never the same! I love her workouts because I never get bored, she does them to great music, and she is so inspiring! She is always spewing out wisdom during her videos and I love it! It keeps me motivated. Check out her Youtube channel here and her website (full of inspiration) here.

Do any of you guys have some tips for making your day healthy? If you do I'd love to hear them!!


Monday, July 14, 2014

Note to My Freshman Self

Senior year is approaching so quickly and I'm excited! We go back to school August 4th, which is crazy and way too early. I can't believe I'm the same age as the seniors were when I was a freshman. They seemed so old! One of the first privileges you have as a senior in student council here is running the freshman orientation. I really want to give the girls in my group some advice that will help them in more than just getting around the school. I have until August 1st (my birthday!!) and I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I think the best way to do this is to give some tips to my freshman self. I figured I would share with y'all just in case there are any upcoming freshman or even sophomores that stumble on this post!


These are the least embarrassing throwbacks...

Dear Freshman Ashlee,

1. Seniors are friends, not food boyfriends.
The boys in the senior class are beautiful, I know. You're going to be the only freshman girl in a class full of them. They're going to flirt and joke around with you. You'll feel so special and cool for attracting older boys but LEAVE IT AT THAT. Even if you're really mature for your age, you still are in two completely different places in life right now. They're getting ready to embark on their own journey in college and you are just beginning your journey though high school! It's setting yourself up for failure. You can flirt around with them, but don't do much more. You could really screw up your reputation. If a senior (or older) guy is considering dating a freshman in high school, there is usually a BIG reason he can't find a girl his own age to date. 

2. Your friends will change.
Remember the girl who told your friend group that you all wouldn't even talk to each other after freshman year? When you all vowed to not let it happen to you? You should believe her. High school forces you to grow up a little bit. Especially combining with a whole other school, there are so many people to meet and become friends with. It's not a bad thing though.

3. Stay close to the sophomores.
You're on the dance team this year, so you're good friends with the sophomores. Keep them close because it'll get you out of a lot of the usual freshman troubles. Your backpack won't get ziptied or thown into the middle of the pit. Homecoming week during lunch, seniors will attack the freshman side of the pit with dodgeballs. You'll be sitting with the sophomores and be saved. Thank them later.

4. Hold onto the people you love.
This seems really cliché. It is really cliché. I don't care though, it would save you a lot of crying yourself to sleep. You try to just let people go when it becomes hard for you but fight for them. Please fight for them. You'll regret it years later when you're missing your best friend from freshman year, or when your on-and-off boyfriend since freshman year finally is happy with a new girl. 

5. Take every opportunity given to you.
You're beautiful and smart and have these four years ahead of you to make whatever you'd like out of it. 
Take on every opportunity you stumble upon by the horns. Be fearless. Make straight As. Take that research opportunity you'll get senior year.. (You do. (; ) Don't be scared to stay out a little bit later than curfew one night. Take chances. Be risky. Try new things. 
Remember, life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Best of luck to you these next four years, Senior Ashlee

P.S. I still think I peaked freshman year.. So enjoy it.

I hope this at least helps someone! If you're an underclassman reading this, comment and tell me! I'd love to hear from you! And if you know a freshman girl scared about high school, show her this!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Design Overhaul

I'm trying to redo my blog into something other than the bland layout it has right now, so what are y'all's suggestions and tips on blog design?

P.S. J Crew Factory is having a HUGE sale right now. Extra 50% off of clearance with coupon code SALETIME. The scalloped dress I posted about yesterday is on sale in aqua. Things are going fast so move quick! #cleartheclearance

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lust List

We all have lazy days... I've just been having a little more than usual this week. I've been pretty sick these past few days and wasn't scheduled to work much this week so I have an excuse, right? ;) Definitely. Anyways, after spending all of my money last week in Charleston, I've been spending a lot of my time filling up online shopping carts with the things I would buy if I could. Here's my list of things I've been lusting over while being laaaaaazy.

lust list

J Crew scalloped dress / Chevron Tuskwear Tank  / Jack Rogers sandals / Kate Spade red handbag / Riley Infinity Loop in Lobstah Roll / Kate Spade planner/ Janice Shift Dress - Lilly Pulitzer / Handpresso HPWILD Wild 16-Bar Hand-Pump Portable Espresso Machine

I saw the J Crew dress on a waitress in Charleston and I was looking for it for a week before I found it on A Little Seersucker Sass's blog! (And it's on sale for $49!!) I also saw the Janice shift at a Lilly store last week and fell in love. I can't find it in my size online but I've seen it in quite a few stores recently. The color combination is seriously gorgeous.

I applied to my first college this week, University of Alabama! I have no clue where I'll end up but ever since I've been eyeing the Tuskwear website like crazy. I have a free tuition offer for if I go there, but we'll just see what happens.

This handheld espresso machine is MADE for me. I've always loved coffee, but working at an Italian restaurant has made me appreciate a good shot of espresso. The Handpresso website has demos of people using it in the car! That would be perfect for those mornings when I'm running late to school and don't have time to make coffee. (every morning)

I love everything Lobstah Roll! This scarf is no exception. It's sold out on the Lilly site but I managed to find it on one boutique online. There's a very strong chance my next paycheck will be spent on this beaut.

I have a thing for school supplies. My friends and parents think I'm odd, but what's new? I usually get a Lilly planner but have been contemplating between it and the Kate Spade one for this year. Speaking of Kate, the Holly Street Jeanne bag is lovely. Not too big, not too small. It has a crossbody strap, and the bow detail is so cute! It's on sale for $256 right now on the Kate Spade site!

Last thing, Jack Rogers. I've wanted a pair for a while, but nowhere sells them around me. I'm a little iffy about ordering shoes online because I'm inbetween sizes. Whenever I get a pair, though, it will be the gold pair. Love them and they go with everything!

comment and tell me what you're lusting over!

Style Elixir

Monday, July 7, 2014

Falling in Love with Charleston All Over Again

Charleston is my happy place. It's been my "future home" since I could remember. I've always had the same vision of how my life will play out. I'm going to go to med school and end up as some kind of surgeon in Charleston. I'll have a house with two-story (or three (; ) wraparound porches, and a husband I met in med school. Ever since I was a little girl that's been it. Everytime I go I fall back in love with the place harder than before. This past week I stayed in Isle of Palms with my best friend, which is right across the bridge from downtown Charleston. I'm really, really, really sorry for all the pictures.. I narrowed it down from 200 to 40 so relatively I am doing really well!! ;) Here's my week through the lens.

Summer Beauty Staples

My beauty philosophy during the summer is "If I have to worry about it breaking me out if I don't take it off tonight, I'm not wearing it." Natural beauty is the way to go during the summer. I love to give my face and hair a break from all the harsh chemicals and heat for a few months! That being said, I still like to look presentable if I'm going out of the house. Here's how I do it during these hot months!

These are the only products I use during the summer. Occasionally I'll put a little more eyeshadow on if I'm going somewhere fancy, but this is essentially it. I couldn't say anything other than amazing things about BareMinerals makeup. It offers amazing coverage without feeling like your face is caked on. My foundation is the Matte formula in Light. I also use the Well-Rested Eye Brightener which fakes a look that you've gotten all your beauty sleep, even if you were up all night! Both of these products have SPF in them, so you don't have to rub greasy sunscreen all over your face! My all-time favorite blush is Bobbi Brown's Peony which is a beautiful bright pink that just makes you look happy and glowing. For a pop of color on my lips, I use Fresh SUGAR Rose Tint SPF 15 which also protects your lips from the sun while giving a rosy glow!

For my eyes, I like to keep it waterproof. I use Urban Decay Primer Potion in Eden alone to make my eyes look perky and awake. If I decide to wear eyeshadow, I brush on a wash of my absolute favorite makeup product I use, Stila eyeshadow in Kitten, for a pretty bit of extra sparkle. To finish it off I use my Urban Decay 24/7 Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner and Urban Decay Cannonball Waterproof Mascara. I love these products because they are waterproof but come off when you want them to! There's not the usual hassle of taking forever to get these off at night! I also included Mario Badescu Enzyme Cleansing Gel which I use to get everything off at night! It's a nonfoaming gel that takes your makeup off without taking your skin's moisture.

Hope you guys enjoyed! I just got back from Charleston the day before yesterday. I'll post about my trip once my pictures upload! My computer battery went bad a few days before I left and my adapter coincidentally broke at the same time so that's why I've been MIA. A new battery and adapter are on the way to my house right now so it shouldn't be too much longer until I'm posting more regularly! 

Comment and tell me your summer beauty essentials!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Living on a Whim

My number one goal this summer is to be as spontaneous as possible. Until I declared this goal a few weeks ago, I had been in a rut I felt would never end. I had the same routine everyday. Work, dance, sleep, repeat. On days I didn't have dance or work I would just stay in my room all day. I was counting down the days to my Charleston trip with my best friend and her family hoping I would find the adventure I had been yearning for all summer. Then, I came to a realization that adventure is everywhere, I just wasn't looking very hard! Especially living where I do, there's no excuse... There are ton of hiking spots, venues, and festivals within an hour radius, and my friends and I made a list of everywhere that we're going to visit before the summer ends. I didn't get pictures of everything (sorry!) but here are a few of my favorite adventures so far.

Saturday Night Trek to the Carter Fold 

Possibly the most I've ever felt out of place.. The Carter Fold is the family venue of the Carter family, the first family in country music. You've probably heard of Johnny Cash, who is the son-in-law of the original founders. Every Saturday, they have a bluegrass concert, usually with local bands with the occasional headliner. My friends and I aren't exactly bluegrass fans... I was unsure about it at first, considering we were the youngest people there and we were in the hills of the backwoods in southwest Virginia. Surprisingly, it was really fun! There were cloggers and everyone was dancing and we just acted like we knew what we were doing! (It was obvious that we were clueless, hahaha!) The picture on the upper right was taken of my friends while the rest of us were mustering up the courage to walk down there. We had so much fun and provided some comedy for a few old ladies who were cracking up at us. It was definitely a different experience, and just a 45 minute drive.

Mercedes Cruisin'

We were meeting in the parking lot with all of our friends and somehow (I still have no clue how this happened) convinced one of my guy friends to let us take his Mercedes convertible for a joy ride. We ended up busting two of his tires... whoops! 

I'm going to keep you guys updated with my adventures! But first, tell me some of your goals for the summer!