Thursday, July 17, 2014

Little Ways to Make Your Day Healthier

First off, how do you like the new look?! I've been spending probably the past week trying to figure out how to code and working with Photoshop to make Preperella look a lot prettier. Now that I'm done with that, I can spend a lot of time actually working on posts! Also, I have some really exciting projects I'm working with and can't wait to be able to tell you girls the deets!

As much as I wish I could be one of those girls who lives at the gym and is crazy fit, usually it doesn't work out that way. Especially during the school year, I don't have time to be at the gym everyday, so I love incorporating little things in my day to make it a little healthier. They really add up! I've lost almost 10 pounds this summer by using these little tricks.

1. Start your day off with a glass of water.

This kickstarts your metabolism and gets your brain ready for the day! Your brain tissue is 72% water, so if you don't give it the fuel it needs, you'll be fatigued and just sluggish feeling. It flushes out toxins from your body as soon as you wake up. Your body will also learn that it doesn't need to hold onto water weight because you're giving it the hydration it needs. You can lose a few pounds just by drinking more water! If I keep a water bottle with me, I'll stay drinking it all day. My favorite is my purple Camelbak! (on sale for $11.90 here!

2. Unsweet tea

Unsweet tea?!? How can those words ever escape a southern girls mouth? Well at 240 calories, your large McDonald's sweet tea could be severely hurting your diet. Try an unsweet tea with sweetener! My favorite sweetener is Equal and I use 3 or 4 packets in my tea. It brings the calories down to zero! Don't feel bad treating yourself with a real sweet tea every once in a while, but just don't overdo it!

3. Park farther out

I like to say I do this because I am trying to be active. Really it's because I'm awful at parking and I'm scared to hurt my mom's car. Anyways, do this and you can count shopping as an exercise day. ;)

4. Blogilates

Blogilates is my little secret weapon. I can't make it to the gym everyday but I can do these workouts in my room. They really work too! Cassey Ho is the girl behind Blogilates and she posts new videos every week on her Youtube channel. Everyday she posts a daily workout playlist and two days are never the same! I love her workouts because I never get bored, she does them to great music, and she is so inspiring! She is always spewing out wisdom during her videos and I love it! It keeps me motivated. Check out her Youtube channel here and her website (full of inspiration) here.

Do any of you guys have some tips for making your day healthy? If you do I'd love to hear them!!


1 comment:

  1. Your blog looks fabulous!!! I would love to re-do mine, but wouldn't know where to start! Also, I just looked into blogilates and she's adorable! Can't wait to see if they actually work for me :)

    Pick Your Beau
