Friday, October 31, 2014

My Shirt Has More Insta Followers Than I Do

Congrats everybody, you made it through another week. Today is senior skip day, so maybe some of you girls are reading this while I'm sleeping. ;) Anyways, I'm here to tell you about a tragic event on this spooky day. You know how you buy a new outfit that you put together in store and you love it. Like REALLY love it. The next day you wear it and show it off and feel so confident. You might even post a #ootd on Instagram. Racking up the likes, so evidently everyone else likes it too.

Your confidence level is sky high. Mine was until Courtney at Behind Her Monogrammed Macbook commented on my pic.

Okay overdramatic story aside, I cracked up when I saw this account and thought y'all would get a laugh, too! The J.Crew gingham shirt is such a classic, which is proven by it's follower count. Whoever made this account is genius.

"My shirt has 11,000 followers, how many does yours have?"


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Get to Know Me: Liebster Award

I love style posts and learning the new trends, but most of my favorite blog posts are the personal ones--the ones that make the blogger feel like a friend rather than a random person that you stalk on the net. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing a blogger's outfit of the day, but I love it even more when there's a story behind the outfit. My favorite blogs are the ones I feel like my best friend is writing and not an unattainable celebrity. Today we'll get a little personal and I'll share some of these favorite blogs with you!

kTm at Pick Your Beau nominated me for the Liebster Award MONTHS ago. Literally in August. (#procrastinationstation) I'm finally doing it, though! Everyone check out her fab blog (one of my favorites, but can't retag her!) and tell her I sent you!

Here we go--
1) Post 11 facts about yourself
2) Answer the 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you, and then create a set of 11 questions for your nominees!
3) Choose 11 nominees that have less than 200 followers and link to them in your post
4) Let them know they've been tagged!

So first things first, 11 facts about ya girl Ash.

1) My mom has banned me from going to Target before after a few shopping sprees with her card...
2) When I was 3, I competely waxed one of my eyebrows off and it still grows differently than the other one.
3) I'm EXTREMELY afraid of bugs. Like I really don't have any big fear other than bugs, and I will go crazy if there's one around me.
4) I'm a sucker for a big t-shirt and my collection is unrivaled.
5) I'm surprised sweet tea doesn't run through my veins. I may or may not be drinking a Cookout tea as I write this. #shameless
6) I was named after the Ashley River in Charleston which basically means I'm destined to live there, right? (Right.)
7) My parents used to tell me to go in the yard and wait for a bird to land on my head and I would sit there for like an hour waiting. 
8) I'm that girl who is super book smart but people don't know because I'm extremely ditzy and have zero common sense.
9) Cinnamon dolce frap when it's hot, cinnamon dolce latte when it's cold. Except for when gingerbread is out. 
10) Wooden spoons freak me out. Just the texture, ergsfweg. I'm cringing just thinking about them.
11) I can't high-five without looking dumb.

Now for her questions!

If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be? 
I would be a lion because it's fierce and gets what it wants. What's your favorite kind of drink? 
Sweet tea, hands down. How do you relax?
I'll lay in my bed with all the lights out, put my headphones on, and tune out the world. If I'm really needing a stress reliever I'll go to the dance studio late at night and just dance my heart out.How often do you paint your nails?
I never paint my nails because I bite them so badly that I don't want to draw attention to them. :(What's the best piece of advice you could give someone?
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. It's one of my favorite quotes and always what I'm chanting in my head when taking a risk.What's your favorite thing to order at Starbucks?
Gingerbread lattes! How would you describe your relationship with your BFF?
We're such good friends because we won't let the other walk all over us hahahahaha. People are confused when we show up somewhere without the other. We're basically Serena and Blair. (so cliche but don't even care)Are you a early bird or a night owl?
Such a night owl.Who is your biggest girl crush?
Blake Lively. She's perfect. She has the perfect husband. She had the perfect wedding in Charleston. She's going to have the most perfect child, ugh. 
What's your favorite show to binge watch?
Scandal or Gossip Girl!Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging as something to do in my free time! I've met so many amazing girls and have found out it's so much more than that, though.

Now for my questions!
1) What is your staple wardrobe item?
2) What's the riskiest thing you've done recently?
3) What are your life goals?
4) How do you wear your hair normally?
5) It's 4PM on a Tuesday. What are you doing?
6) What are you being/were you for Halloween?
7) What's your favorite thing about blogging?
8) Do you miss the way things were a year ago?
9) Who's your #mcm?
10) If you could choose your last meal, what would it be?
11) What's your favorite color?

I tag
Carrie at Carrie On Blogs
Caitlin at Your Typical Prep
Connie at Prep Northwest
Anna at Undeniably Anna
AND YOU if you haven't been tagged!

I can't wait to see your posts! If you decide to do this, let me know!


Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Undeniable Report

Happy October ladies!
Today's the first day that it finally feels like fall in Tennessee and I couldn't be more excited. I also couldn't be more excited to tell y'all about the Undeniable Report!

"The Undeniable Report is a lifestyle website created for girls that will be your destination for everything you need or care to know about on topics like style, beauty, wellness, business, travel and more."

A few months ago, I found Anna's online magazine and became obsessed! I was beyond thrilled when she contacted me with the opportunity to be a part of the magazine's revamp. At the time, I had no idea how much this magazine would evolve in just a short time! After months of hard work, we officially launched the Undeniable Report website on October 1st. There are new posts everyday about anything from style to culture to wellness and more. 

My personal favorite part is that the site is completely ran by girls like me and you! There isn't a big company overseeing, just Anna (who is amazing, by the way!) and all of us girls that are making this happen! I didn't realize when I signed up for this that I was also signing up for a second family, but that's how things have played out. These girls and I have became closer than I would've ever imagined and talk all day, every day on our group message. (#undeniabæs) It's truly a group of amazing girls.

With all that said, give the site a look! You can see it at and follow us on our social media accounts below! (crazy obsessed with our Twitter)

Twitter: @undeniablerep
Instagram: @undeniablereport

Let me know in the comments how you like it!