Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Hey everyone!
I'm posting today because I kind of definitely freaking out... As many of you know, I'm attending The University of Alabama in the fall. The Greek life there is the biggest in the country. Because of this, they put a BIG emphasis on getting a recommendation from every sorority. All 17! This is a little bit hard when you live in a small town and every girl you know that's affiliated with a sorority is an active and can't write you one. I've been desperate to find recs and haven't really had much luck so I figured I would at least try this!

If you or ANYONE you know is an alumni of one of these sororities and willing to write me a recommendation before they're due July 15th (short notice, I know) then please comment or email me at!

Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Phi
Chi Omega
Delta Delta Delta
, Delta Gamma
Delta Zeta
Gamma Phi Beta
  Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Delta
  Kappa Kappa Gamma
  Phi Mu
  Pi Beta Phi
 Zeta Tau Alpha

I would hate for the only reason I didn't get in my dream sorority to be that I didn't have a rec! I know it's super short notice, but I just found out that I was for sure rushing. Any help is appreciated!!!

Love, Ashlee

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Becoming a Bookworm

Reading for leisure and I have always had a very love/hate relationship.
Like the rockiest of rocky relationships... I taught myself how to read when I was three, so you'd think I would have at least been a bookworm when I was younger. Actually, I was the opposite. I was forever the teacher's nightmare having the highest AR level in the class paired with an overall distaste for reading. I didn't really have a distaste for reading as much as I had a distaste for being forced to read. In fifth grade, I found Harry Potter, which led me to a summer of nonstop reading until I finished the series. Middle school summers were filled with Nicholas Sparks romances and stereotypical teen books that really seem to all have the same story. Recently though, I haven't picked up a book except for the occasional "want to read it before I see the movie". But I really want to change that! 

I'm always too stressed and have "too much to do" for reading. But somehow I find the time to sit for hours staring at my computer screen. I feel like the times that I do read a lot are some of the chillest times of my life, though. And right now is pretty chill. The warp speed part of senior year is over and we can all just calm down for our last two weeks together. Today, I got a craving to go to the bookstore. Usually I steer clear of bookstores, along with office supply stores, because I spend way too much money. Nerd alert! But today I had an uncontrollable book craving. Here's what I picked up!

We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach

From Amazon-"Four high school seniors put their hopes, hearts, and humanity on the line as an asteroid hurtles toward Earth in this contemporary novel.
They always say that high school is the best time of your life.
Peter, the star basketball player at his school, is worried “they” might actually be right. Meanwhile Eliza can’t wait to escape Seattle—and her reputation—and perfect-on-paper Anita wonders if admission to Princeton is worth the price of abandoning her real dreams. Andy, for his part, doesn’t understand all the fuss about college and career—the future can wait.
Or can it? Because it turns out the future is hurtling through space with the potential to wipe out life on Earth. As these four seniors—along with the rest of the planet—wait to see what damage an asteroid will cause, they must abandon all thoughts of the future and decide how they’re going to spend what remains of the present."

They say don't judge a book by it's cover but I'm so guilty of this. Honestly I was drawn to this book because it looks like a group of friends just like mine. It was on the New Arrivals table and it just looked so familiar. I was iffy about buying it because I thought it looked like a cliche Breakfast Club remake, but I had a weird feeling that I should buy it. I looked online and it seems like this is a lot more than a Breakfast Club remake and I have a feeling I will be seeing it in theaters sometime. I can't wait to start reading this one!

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
From Amazon- "On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick’s clever and beautiful wife disappears. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn’t doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife’s head, but passages from Amy's diary reveal the alpha-girl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. Under mounting pressure from the police and the media—as well as Amy’s fiercely doting parents—the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he’s definitely bitter—but is he really a killer?"

I'm not a big movie girl, so there are so many movies I say look good and never see. This happens to be one of them. I've seen this book everywhere recently, including in the hands of some of my best friends, so I've been eyeing it for a while! This is what I originally went in for and ended up finding We All Looked Up on the way.

Can't wait to read these and share my thoughts about them with y'all! What are your favorite books currently?

P.S. Found the cutest new brand at Ulta today! I've never heard of Whish before but the little mini shaving cream in the checkout line was too cute to resist. Have any of you tried their products before?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tips for College Bound Seniors

First semester was so much fun and seemed like it lasted forever, but second semester seems to be going at warp speed. In just five weeks, I will be a high school graduate. It is so crazy to even think about. Final decisions are being made and everything we worked for is finally seeming to be worth something. We've made it to the home stretch! I know a lot of my readers are either seniors or will be seniors soon, so today's post is about little things that have helped me a lot this semester!

1// Connect your college email to your phone
I cannot stress how important and helpful this is. Second semester is full of deadlines, especially now and in the upcoming months. If you've already made a college decision, you should have been given a .edu email address from your college. You would think that this isn't really important until you are actually in classes but at least for me, SO much important information is getting sent to mine. Fortunately, UA uses Gmail to handle their email so connecting my email to my phone is so easy. I already used the app! If you aren't so fortunate, most university emails can be linked to your Mail app on your iPhone. Remembering to check it is hard, so setting up notifications on your phone is the perfect way to stay informed!

2// Join a Class of 2019 Facebook group
I'm sure this is the first thing some people did after making their decision, but this is a great place to introduce yourself to your new classmates! If you're going into college not knowing anyone at your university, this also is where you can scan through potential roommates. Thankfully, technology has evolved to where we can prevent random roomie disasters... I know I definitely dodged a few bullets in my roommate search because of Facebook.

3// Start preparing for rush
This sounds crazy but if you're rushing at a big school, right now is when you should start preparing! A lot of schools recommend that you have a recommendation letter for every sorority, so you should start looking now to prevent any last-minute freakouts. Post a status on your facebook and your parents' listing the sororities you need and kindly asking if anyone would be willing to write you one. Also, Sorority Sugar has a great guide to finding recs and a list of girls that will gladly write you one if you cannot find anyone! Also, it's always a good idea to be looking for good deals on cute dresses for rush week so you won't be breaking the bank all at once!

4// Enjoy your family, friends, and every last that you have
Senior year is full of lasts, and right now we're coming to the lasts of the lasts. It's so bittersweet. It seems like a few weeks ago I was walking into my high school for the first time. Four years, lots of nights participating in the rowdiest student section around, so many dance competitions, countless late nights with the people who matter the most, and a heck of a lot of change later, here we are. Make the most out of every last from here on out. This is the last time you'll be around your class as a whole, unfortunately. It's so easy to get caught up in everything changing so fast. But breathe, relax, and enjoy these last few weeks. Everything has fallen into place, there is no reason to be all worked up anymore. No school is going to rescind their acceptance because you made a B this semester. Calm down and soak it all in.
When it comes to change, this is the calm before the storm.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What's Your Color? {La Clé Jewelry} + GIVEAWAY

outfit 1: shirt: JCrew/jeans: American Eagle/sandals: Ralph Lauren/necklace: c/o La Clé Jewelry
outfit 2: shirt: Lucky Brand/ jeans: American Eagle/boots: Vince Camuto/necklace: c/o La Clé Jewelry

Key necklaces have always been a staple item for me. So when I first heard about La Clé Jewelry I KNEW I had to check them out. I was not disappointed. La Clé Jewelry has such a cool concept and I love everything that they stand for. They also have a powerful woman role model behind it all! Basically La Clé Jewelry uses repurposed vintage keys and gives them a new life helping you look good, feel good, and do good. I love how every key has a story behind it. There are fifteen different colors (and even more glitter ones!) to choose from and every one of them has a different meaning. For example, my teal key means "Good Company & Captivating". As the color fades, it represents how you're absorbing energy from your key words. Once the color is completely gone, send a picture of your naked key to La Clé using #NakedKey with a note about what the color means to you. They will make a donation in your name to a charity of your choice! I love giving back, and being able to while wearing some cute jewelry while doing it is a win all around.

received the teal dipped key with my monogram and a gold glitter key! The possibilities for your key necklace are endless! You can get any word you want stamped onto your necklace. I thought my monogram added a cute personal touch. And this girl always has to have some glitter, so when I saw that the glitter keys were coming out I HAD to have one. I was surprised with how gorgeous my necklace turned out!  The custom keys are normally $30 but you can add another key of any kind (original, dipped, or glitter) for $5 more! I've gotten so many compliments and people asking where I got my necklace. I plan on buying every color!

Not only does La Clé have some amazing jewelry and apparel, but they also have an amazing owner! Deanna Saracino is the owner of La Clé, a mom, and the President of Standard Vinyl! She's an amazing role model and I had the pleasure of asking her a few questions. She was so nice and inspiring!

1) What inspired you to start La Clé Jewelry?
La Clé Started after a pretty major professional failure. I was working on a startup that I was so passionate about and it just tanked. Bad decisions and surrounding myself with the wrong people led me to a place I didn't want to be. I made the decision to re-focus myself and my energy into things I have always wanted to pursue and create something that focused 100% on the positive things in my life and focus on being able to give back in the process. 
2) How do you match the meanings to the colors? What's your color?
A lot of brainstorming, word searches, opinions of friends and family. I go through a ton of words but narrow them down to key words that not only resonate with me but leave an impact when a person sees it. I think everyone can be a mixture of all the colors on any given day. I gravitate to the white, gold and teal :) 
3) Have you had a #nakedkey yet? Which charity did you make a donation to?

yes we have had a few! :) We've made donations to the Jillian Loyden Foundation, MADD and different various cancer research foundations. I love being able to give back and I am looking for more charities to connect with to spread the word about our #NakedKey Program! It's a great way to raise money for your cause! With the Jillian Loyden Foundation we donated $5 from every purple key to help put an end to domestic violence. It's great being able to give back when you buy anything. Our keys give people a chance to do that. 
4) How long can you expect your key to last before it becomes naked?

Depending on how often you wear it and how well you take care of it. It takes about 8 months to 1 year to really see the wear and tear on your key. 
5) I love your graphic tees! How do you come up with these cute and quirky shirts?
Thanks! I design them and I try to come up with fun things that I'd want to wear :) I love simple graphic tees and tanks. They are fun and send a message and I think people love that! I hope to continue to come up with some cool ones that people will love. The goal is to keep expanding the apparel line. :) 
6) Your website says you also are President of Standard Vinyl! Can you tell us some more on how you balance that and 
La Clé and being a mom?

Ah yes! Standard Vinyl is the coolest and was really the step that gave me the opportunity to pursue developing La Clé. I am lucky enough to have a BRILLIANT brother, who is also an successful entrepreneur. The timing was right to bring me on board to grow the company to it's full potential. We help musicians and record labels put their music on vinyl. It's amazing being able to follow my passion for music as well as fashion at the same time. I am finally doing what I want to be doing and it's so rewarding. And of course there is nothing better than being a mom. I consider myself a high level multitasker and I thrive on it. I like being busy and getting things done. I'm very organized and manage my time extremely well which is key to being able to doing all 3. 
7) What has been your biggest obstacle in starting and running 
La Clé?
Doing it all myself! With the other projects I was involved in, I had other people to turn to for advice or feedback. Remembering how to trust my instinct and be decisive was important. I was a bit out of practice always waiting or reporting to others. As much as it is nice having people to bounce ideas off of or rely on. it is much more rewarding to be your own boss and get things done. I like being in charge of my own destiny and I love a challenge. This spring and summer we are looking for interns as we are ready to start expanding. I am hoping to have my first hire in 2016 :) 
8) What advice do you have for girls wanting to start their own businesses?

Don't be afraid to jump. Do what you love and the rest will come. 
9) What can we expect to see in the future for 
La Clé?

I am so excited for this year to unfold. I have some very cool collaborations in the works with some major brands I love and I am hoping to keep expanding our line to more boutiques and stores, as well as expand our apparel line. We are introducing cards, journals, prints and really focusing on tailoring La Clé to being a well rounded brand that people can get behind. 

See? She's awesome! And her keys are amazing! That's why I'm giving away one La Clé Jewelry key of your choice to a lucky winner! The giveaway will run from today, March 18th, to Sunday, March 22nd. Enter below!

Good luck!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Weekend Recap + Giveaway Alert!

Hello lovely ladies!
Life update time

Went to Nashville with my best friends for DECA state! Had a few major technical difficulties but still placed fifth in my event! Couldn't have asked for a better weekend with my best friends. 

The first day we got to school at 7:45am and left for Nashville. The next five hours on a school bus were not as bad as I was expecting but still... it's five hours on a school bus. As soon as we got there, we explored the Opryland hotel a little (which was amazing). Then we got ready for our events. I wrote a business proposal on opening a franchise in my town. I was supposed to present the proposal, but my PowerPoint crashed on my laptop, iPad, and someone else's laptop... love it. I couldn't go back and fix it so I just dealed with it. Evidently my paper was so good that I still placed 5th out of 25 with a presentation score of 0. Disappointing but I definitely learned a lesson about being prepared.

That night was the DECA t-shirt dance... The highlight of state every year. Our school got a few weird looks, but hey... we know how to get down.
That night we stayed up all night with everyone from our school in our hotel room. I didn't fall asleep until around 4am. The next day we didn't have anything to do until 7pm so we ate at Rainforest Cafe. It was seriously like eating in the rainforest. 

There were elephants and tigers and gorillas and an aquarium. Every 30 or so minutes, there would be a storm and you felt like you were in one sans the rain. I felt like I was eating on the rainforest floor with the stars peeking out from over the trees! I usually hate eating at "touristy" restaurants but this was such an experience, I loved it. Plus the t-shirts are adorbs. That night was our awards banquet so we got to get all dressed up and enjoy a nice dinner. We might have not been as large as the other schools, but we were the best looking bunch there!

Funny story from dinner. There were little Babybel cheeses sitting on the table and I was so excited to eat one. At that point we were starving. So, I take a huge bite and turns out it was butter.. Total Ash move.

The next morning we woke up bright and early to attend the grand awards ceremony. Had a little mixup with the attire. Walking into a convention center full of business casual wearing the formal attire your teacher instructed you to is rough, let me tell you. But after that we hopped back on the bus and came home. I made so many memories on this trip, just like the NYC DECA trip. I'm so thankful to have the amazing group of friends that I do.

After I got home I went and bought my prom dress!!! I can't wait to show y'all. I saw it in the window of a local store Wednesday night before I left on Thursday, but couldn't try it on since the store was already closed! I seriously had to have it. My mom went and looked on Thursday and found out it was my size, it was meant to be obviously. I made her stalk the store until I could come home and try it on. It fit perfectly and I am in LOVE. Now to find a date....

Also I will be hosting a giveaway tomorrow with LaCle Jewelry! Stop back by to check it out!

How was your weekend?

Sunday, March 1, 2015

A Mental Break

The last day I went to school was February 12th... Thanks Winter Storm Octavia? My school system was called out for two weeks straight. It felt like everytime the roads would clear up and I would be dreading the next day at school, another five inches would pile on. Plus I was sick (and still am) so I couldn't get anything done anyways. You would think this would give me the extra time to post everyday and catch up on some things, but instead I did the exact opposite. I accomplished absolutely nothing. And ya know what? It felt great.

This is my last semester of high school and I have a fuller plate than ever. Most kids dropped everything requiring effort but I took the hardest course load that I could at this point. I regret it everyday, but there is no going back now. With competition season starting and trying to keep my blog somewhat updated, there is really no time to think. This break could not have come at a better time. I was so close to my breaking point but this break allowed me to chill out and I learned a few things.

Sometimes you need to be selfish.
I finally figured out my roommate situation for next year, and even though I'm sure I hurt some feelings, I am happy. So story time... I met a girl through Facebook in October that seemed just like me and we decided to room together. She texted me one day saying that another couple of girls wanted to room with us so we had four. I was always kind of iffy about rooming with them because I felt so rushed into it. It was like I didn't have a choice. Who knows their college roommates in October?! Fast forward a few months and my childhood best friend decided she is also going to Bama... #awk. I wanted to room with her so badly but felt locked in with the other girls. Like that's seriously something out of a movie or fate or something! I wasn't really excited about UA anymore and my parents were starting to notice. And if someone dared even asking about my roommates I would snap. I finally texted the other girls and they weren't as upset as I had expected. Maybe they didn't like me either? Either way, we found two other roommates that I get along with so well and a major crisis was averted.

You can either be jealous and mean or inspired and nice... Choose nice.
Over the past two weeks I have competed in two dance competitions. My studio has done really well at both! In my last post I mentioned that my brother and I's duet did extremely well. Well this brought out the worst in people. Some of my "friends" at the studio just couldn't handle us doing so well and have brought out the claws. I don't know why, but I've made it my goal to not be like that.

Create your own success.
My blog is MY blog. I don't need (or want) to be exactly like every other blog out there. This is something new to me. I've been so caught up in being like every other "preppy" blog out there that I lost my drive to even blog. I never post because I can never think of anything worthy of posting. I'm different. You know what I like? Makeup. Beauty. I have always been the girl who knows her makeup, and the newest products are typical dinner conversation for my family. I love fashion and looking cute, but outfit posts are not my forte. So don't be surprised if you start seeing more product reviews and less stereotypical posts from me. Nothing drastic, just a subtle change.

So in other words...
Mental breaks prevent mental breakdowns.
Take them, love them.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Thank You Notes {a new weekly series}

As a girl growing up in the South, my parents have always instilled in me the importance of a handwritten thank you note. I feel like the art of thank you notes is dying quicker than the art of handwritten letters and that really saddens me. If you know me, you know that handwriting letters is one of my favorite things... So any excuse to write is a good excuse.
One of the only shows I watch regularly on the television is the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. My whole family will gather around and watch, and it's so rare that THAT happens. My favorite segment that he does every Friday is "Thank You Notes", where he writes funny thank you notes to popular things. I've been looking for a weekly series to post on Fridays for a while. Something that isn't a stereotypical Friday Faves or Friday Five or some other alliteration on Friday. I love reading those posts, but I really wanted something I could showcase my favorites in, but had to put a little more thought into! So one Friday night while I was working on the blog and listening to the Tonight Show play in the background, the idea came to me of posting my own thank you notes every Friday! I think this is going to be a cute and unique way to show y'all some of my favorites, while being a little unique and preserving some southern culture.

So shall we begin?

First of all, a BIG thank you to Winter Storm Octavia for six inches of snow, five days off of school, and -6 degree weather in the middle of the South. #snowweek

Thank you Classy Cathleen for bringing together blogger perfection and two of my blog best friends when she interviewed Caitlin of Your Typical Prep HERE!

Thank you mug recipes for keeping me entertained when I'm stranded at home with no food. Check out my favorites HERE. And if you're looking for the best microwave cookie EVER then check out this recipe.

Thank you l'Occitane for making me feel like I live en Provence this week when really I'm stranded in Antarctica... I had to make a little stop by the l'Occitane store while I was in South Carolina, it has been one of my favorite brands since before I can even remember! Check out my Valentine's gift to myself for l'Occitane HERE.

Thank you Starbucks for coming out with a TIRAMISU LATTE and bringing Caramel Flan back. I'm so stoked to try the tiramisu and caramel flan was my favorite last year! As soon as this snow melts I will be runnninggggg to my nearest Starbucks.

Thank you to my brother for being the best duet partner ever. Last weekend at West Coast Dance Explosion in Greenville (one of the toughest competitions!), our duet scored only five points away from a perfect 300! We ended up getting second in our division and first place was only a point ahead of us. We had the highest score out of around 15 dances from our studio and one of the highest scores in the whole competition!

AND a big thank you to all of you for reading my little corner of the internet. Make sure to check back every Friday for more thank yous!!

What are you thankful for this week?

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Craving Warmth {things you can make in a mug}

If you follow me on Twitter, you've probably heard it from me a thousand times, but Tennessee simply does not do snow. Two inches can easily get us out of school for a few days, but six?! What was expected to be a nice little snow day on Monday turned into a nice little snow week! The break from school could not have come at a better time as I was really starting to get overwhelmed, but snow days also have their downfalls. I was stranded at my friend's house Monday through Wednesday and even though I'm finally home, I still can't leave! The roads in my neighborhood are some of the worst in the area. Not being able to get out at all is slowly driving me crazy... I am so bored. One thing that I've been doing all week though, (even at my friend's house!) is satisfy my sweet tooth. I've been cooking up a storm to escape boredom. One of the best ways to cook for yourself without having a huge mess to clean up is cook in a mug!

Now I sound crazy... But you would be amazed at some of the things you can cook by microwave in a mug. Cakes, brownies, cookies... I've even made scrambled eggs before! When you're stuck at home for a week and have limited resources (and don't want to get yelled at for making a mess), mug recipes are my favorite way to have a little indulgence! Here are some of my favorites!

Breakfast: Omelet in a mug

Homemade Single Serve Macaroni in a Mug
I've literally been craving macaroni all week and plan to make this as soon as I publish this.


As far as mug desserts go, Kirbie's Cravings is the master. She has over 100 different mug desserts on her site! I've tried a ton and they are all DELICIOUS. You can find something to satisfy any sweet craving you're having!

Snickerdoodle Mug Cake ~ bakes up in the microwave in just one minute, yielding a warm, cinnamon-sugary treat that will satisfy any sweet tooth! |

This Snickerdoodle Mug Cake has my mouth watering!

Seriously so many possibilities! Mug recipes are the perfect way to give you something fun to do and warm to enjoy on these chilly days off. (Never giving up my sweet tea though!)

Tell me if you try or plan on trying any of these out!!!

Hope you all stay safe in this weather!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

What A Girl Wants {valentine's day gift guide}

what a girl wants

Today it struck me that Valentine's Day is literally NEXT WEEKEND. This year has been flying by! I will be in spending my V-day in one of my favorite places, Greenville, South Carolina, with my true love, dance, at the biggest competition of our studio's season! I love Valentine's Day because everything is pink and glitter is involved... like what else is there to love? Most of this gift guide is under $60, but there are a few splurge items if you're up for it.

First of all, I am in love with this Kate Spade stack, but especially the Be Mine idiom bangle! On the outside there are words engraved like cutie pie, hot stuff, baby cakes, darling (so much cheese) and on the inside "Be Mine" is engraved. I think it's perfect because Kate knows how to sap it up without being cringeworthy. The hot pink bangle, bow bracelet, and pink watch pair perfectly with it! (I think the Loren Hope bracelet would work well too!) It also comes in silver. And what completes the look better than the matching Kendra Scott Alex earrings?! I also found this adorable small heart-shaped tray from Kate Spade!

My second true love is glitter... duh. The La Clé glitter key necklaces are the perfect gift for a fellow glitter enthusiast. I've been wearing my gold glitter key ever since I got it in the mail a few days ago. You can even add a custom key with something cute and meaningful stamped on it for a more personal gift. 

Tiffany and Co always knows how to make something perfect out of something that isn't my favorite. For example, charm bracelets have never been my thing but the Tiffany ones are perfect! My parents gave me one for my seventeenth birthday and I wear it all the time. I'm constantly browsing the Tiffany website to find which charm I want next! Charm bracelets are a good gift because it takes the thinking out of gifts for every year after. Another thing Tiffany changed into perfection was this bow ring. I feel like everyone and their mother has an infinity ring nowadays. This bow ring has the same meaning, but you won't have the same ring as everyone else you know! Also, if you're wanting to give someone the pleasure of opening a blue box without the crazy price tag, I just found this blue box mug that is so so SO CUTE. It's only $35 and I will definitely be ordering one for myself like ASAP.

This bralette from Aerie is my favorite because you don't have to wear anything under it! I love mine for dancing in especially and I'm fully expecting to have one in every color by the end of this competition season.

Last but not least, the Clarisonic is my go-to skin saver. I feel like every girl needs it in their beauty arsenal. I love mine and have started to pick it up again recently. This NARS lipstick is also the perfect bright pink. Bold lips are my thang and I really want to pick this up!

Hope you enjoy some of my favorite things this Valentine's Day!
What are your plans on February 14th?

Thursday, February 5, 2015


or as it's chic-ly named, Luxletic.

Currently the collection is starting out with this Weekender jacket and pant at $138 and $98, respectively. This puts it at a slightly higher price point than my favorite lululemon jacket and Wunder Unders. The jacket comes in pink, blue, and orange. The pants come in navy and black. Personally, I think the line is a little lackluster and there is nothing special to make me want it. Until LP starts releasing more of the line, I think I'll be sticking to good ole Lulu.

What do you think of the new activewear? Will you be adding it to your collection?

Follow me on Twitter, and my new Instagram!