Sunday, March 1, 2015

A Mental Break

The last day I went to school was February 12th... Thanks Winter Storm Octavia? My school system was called out for two weeks straight. It felt like everytime the roads would clear up and I would be dreading the next day at school, another five inches would pile on. Plus I was sick (and still am) so I couldn't get anything done anyways. You would think this would give me the extra time to post everyday and catch up on some things, but instead I did the exact opposite. I accomplished absolutely nothing. And ya know what? It felt great.

This is my last semester of high school and I have a fuller plate than ever. Most kids dropped everything requiring effort but I took the hardest course load that I could at this point. I regret it everyday, but there is no going back now. With competition season starting and trying to keep my blog somewhat updated, there is really no time to think. This break could not have come at a better time. I was so close to my breaking point but this break allowed me to chill out and I learned a few things.

Sometimes you need to be selfish.
I finally figured out my roommate situation for next year, and even though I'm sure I hurt some feelings, I am happy. So story time... I met a girl through Facebook in October that seemed just like me and we decided to room together. She texted me one day saying that another couple of girls wanted to room with us so we had four. I was always kind of iffy about rooming with them because I felt so rushed into it. It was like I didn't have a choice. Who knows their college roommates in October?! Fast forward a few months and my childhood best friend decided she is also going to Bama... #awk. I wanted to room with her so badly but felt locked in with the other girls. Like that's seriously something out of a movie or fate or something! I wasn't really excited about UA anymore and my parents were starting to notice. And if someone dared even asking about my roommates I would snap. I finally texted the other girls and they weren't as upset as I had expected. Maybe they didn't like me either? Either way, we found two other roommates that I get along with so well and a major crisis was averted.

You can either be jealous and mean or inspired and nice... Choose nice.
Over the past two weeks I have competed in two dance competitions. My studio has done really well at both! In my last post I mentioned that my brother and I's duet did extremely well. Well this brought out the worst in people. Some of my "friends" at the studio just couldn't handle us doing so well and have brought out the claws. I don't know why, but I've made it my goal to not be like that.

Create your own success.
My blog is MY blog. I don't need (or want) to be exactly like every other blog out there. This is something new to me. I've been so caught up in being like every other "preppy" blog out there that I lost my drive to even blog. I never post because I can never think of anything worthy of posting. I'm different. You know what I like? Makeup. Beauty. I have always been the girl who knows her makeup, and the newest products are typical dinner conversation for my family. I love fashion and looking cute, but outfit posts are not my forte. So don't be surprised if you start seeing more product reviews and less stereotypical posts from me. Nothing drastic, just a subtle change.

So in other words...
Mental breaks prevent mental breakdowns.
Take them, love them.


  1. Do you want to know something embarrassing? Today the snow finally melted in my lot, and I realized that I've been parked in two spots... and my battery is dead. Yay snow... Hope you have a great first day back tomorrow! Let me know if you ever want to shoot some photos together :)

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

    1. If it makes you feel any better, I just made my own spots all of last week. Thank you! It was alright for school I guess hahaha. That sounds perfect, I'll definitely be taking you up on that sometime! :)

  2. Love this post! You now have a new subscriber-I linked your blog onto my daily reads list!

    maria |

    1. Ahh thank you so much! I just checked out your blog and love it, I followed you on Bloglovin!
      Xo, Ash
