Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hello? Anybody out there?

hi there!

I'm Ashlee and welcome to my blog! After months of obsessing over checking my Bloglovin and weeks of trying to figure out a name, I'm finally sitting down and writing my first post. Here's a few tidbits about me so you can get to know me better.

1. I'm 16 and will be a senior in high school this upcoming year.
You guys will get take on with me the roller coaster of emotions, deadlines, and craziness that is senior year. (AP Calculus, need I say more?)

2. AshlEE. Two e's. Nothing gets on my nerves more than my name being misspelled by people who know better. 

3. Dance is an extremely large aspect of my life.

It's said that the babies in my family come out dancing. My brother and I both dance competitively. It's something I've been doing my whole life. If you compete (especially in the South), let me know!

4. I have an uncontrollable addiction to Rue La La. Like I need some kind of help.

5. I live in good ole Rocky Top.

Northeast Tennessee is where I call home. 99.9% of the ridiculous news stories that go viral are from within a 20 mile radius of me, but we have a unique culture that can't be replicated.

6. Obsessed with and inspired by the College Prepster!

There are a few facts to hold ya over until my next post! I'd love to get to know you guys (if anyone is even reading this!) so here's my request for you.

leave me a comment telling me a few random facts about yourself!


  1. Hi Ashlee! Welcome to the blog world! Of course my blog is full of facts about me, but some quick ones:
    -I'm a rising sophomore at Nicholls State University.
    - Though I'm a small-town southern girl, my heart is in New York City.
    Thanks for stopping by and commeting on my blog! I can't wait to see your future posts!

    1. Thanks for coming by and commenting! I really appreciate it! :)

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere! AP calc brings back horrible memories for me haha. Also, what a unique spelling of Ashlee; I've never met someone with that particular name before :)


    Another Beautiful Thing

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love the name and everything! Super cute-and welcome to the blogging community :) I'm also 16 and a rising senior so we def have lots in common! Feel free to email me anytime if you just wanna chat or do a collab :)

    1. Aww thank you! :) I love your blog so we definitely should do a collab or something soon! Especially since we have a lot in common
      Thanks for stopping by! :)
